A blind kitten found as a stray begins hugging every cat he meets, and his wish is granted five months later.

A blind kitten who was found wandering the streets, started hugging every cat he met. Five months later, his wish came true.

Basil and Amigo@bestfriendsfelines

blind cat snuggly

A Good Samaritan found an orange kitten wandering the streets by himself. He was taken to the vet where they discovered that he had microphthalmia (abnormally small eyes) and was mostly blind.

The kitten has no vision in one eye and only a small amount in the other (he can see light and shadows). He was very frightened upon arrival and needed a lot of reassurance. The vet reached out to her local rescue, Best Friends Felines, and hoped to get him into a loving foster home.

orange kitten happy

A volunteer picked him up the next day. Soon, they realized just how much he adored other cats.

He arrived in foster care after being found as a blind stray@bestfriendsfelines

blind kitten snuggles cat

The kitten, Amigo, made his way to his foster home where he befriended a cat and a few other kittens with special needs. He immediately gravitated towards Smokey the cat and squeezed himself next to her for cuddles.

“He settled beautifully into his foster home and managed wonderfully considering his limited vision. He remained timid and would startle easily, but loved other cats,” Nikki, president of the rescue, shared.

He immediately gravitated towards other cats and started to snuggle@bestfriendsfelines

blind kitten cat friends

When he navigated around his space, he sometimes bumped into things but was never fazed so long as he got a cat buddy nearby.

“He copes extremely well with every day life. He runs and plays like a normal kitten. He finds his food and water with no issue, and he is 100% perfect with his litter tray use.”


sweet sleeping blind kitten

“He is able to jump and climb onto the couch, bed and cat tree. The only difference is he will get down by climbing down backwards rather than jumping down like a sighted cat.”

The tabby boy clambered up a cat tree and decided to take a nap there.

He can play and climb just like any other kitties@bestfriendsfelines

Amigo can be jumpy to sudden noises or movements, but once he cuddles up to a feline friend, he will start to purr away in contentment.

special needs kittens

“As he has gotten older, he’s become a little more confident,” Nikki shared.

Amigo enjoyed hanging out with Cara who was born with incomplete eyelid margins@bestfriendsfelines

Five months after he arrived at Best Friends Felines, Amigo was still waiting for the perfect family to take him home.

“Finding a home for a special needs cat is always a little more difficult, but add timid into the mix and it makes it so much harder, because you need completely dedicated and patient people prepared to take the chance on a cat that they couldn’t touch during a meet-and-greet.”

He spent about five months in foster care waiting for his perfect home@bestfriendsfelines

Kelly and Louie, former adopters, came across Amigo a few weeks ago and knew he would make a great companion to their 8-month-old cat Basil. Just like Amigo, Basil was found on the street and brought into the rescue for a chance at a better life.

snuggly cats friends

Basil is full of confidence and energy. He enjoys snuggling and making biscuits with his kneady paws.


“A long conversation showed that Kelly and Louie were indeed dedicated and were prepared to be patient. So Amigo left his foster home and joined his new parents and fur brother Basil.”

With Basil around, it didn’t take long for Amigo to come out of his shell and find his way into his brother’s arms. “Amigo never understood personal space when it came to other cats.”

Basil and Amigo quickly became best friends@bestfriendsfelines

best friends cats

“He has adjusted absolutely wonderfully and his new parents are besotted with him. Amigo and Basil are best friends for life already.”

Amigo follows his buddy everywhere around the house@bestfriendsfelines

Share this story with your friends. More on Best Friends Felines on Instagram @bestfriendsfelines and Facebook.

Related story: Cats Sneak into a Room to Hang Out with a Kitten and Keep Her Company After She was Rescued from the Road

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