Every cat contributes! Mango, a tabby cat, has a Facebook page and has established himself as a fixture in the Tesco supermarket.

A tabby cat which made his local Tesco store his second home has become so popular his fans and admirers have set him up with his own Facebook page.

Mango has become a huge hit with Tesco customers in Tiverton, Devon after setting up house in the store’s foyer four years ago.

Tabby Mango spends much of his time sleeping in the foyer or curled up on the store’s entrance mat, although he’s not averse to taking a stroll in the other departments.

Mango the tabby cat (pictured in a trolley’s baby seat)  has made his local Tesco store his second home – and has become so popular his admirers have set him up with his own Facebook fan page which has 2,515 ‘likes’

Mango cuts a lone figure in the Devon store – he has been visiting the shop regularly for the last four yearsBut he’s so well loved he has his own dedicated Facebook page set up by an unknown customer to give his fans an outlet to share their love – and it already has more than 2.500 ‘likes’.

Citing their reasons for creating the Facebook page the anonymous account holder wrote: ‘Our children love this cat so much that my husband suggested we make a page for him?’

Mango has his own dedicated Facebook page set up by an unknown customer where people post his pictures

Despite Mango’s near-constant presence at the store he has an owner and home a stone’s throw away

The majority of the pictures of Mango show him snoozing in various locations within the store

But Mango does occasionally venture out for some ear scratching and affection from customers in the store‘What a good idea.

‘So here it is.

‘To put a smile on people’s faces.

‘Thank you for your support for this lovely moggy.’

At one time the tabby was a regular sight within the store but nowadays doesn’t often stray further than the front of the store.

One of Mango’s fans Maureen Saunders said: ‘He’s a dear little thing.’

Despite Mango’s near-constant presence at the store he has an owner and a home of his own just a stone’s throw away.

At one time Mango was a regular sight within the store but nowadays doesn’t often stray further than the front

Mango even has his own ‘house’ in the store where he can have a snooze in peace

Mango appears to be searching in vain for some cat treats that may have rolled underneath the pet food aisle

Mango is also a master at finding excellent hiding places, for times when he gets tired of being adored

Mango enjoys some sun in what would appear to be the gardening section as he lays in a basket full of seeds

The Tesco store in Tiverton, Devon, where Mango likes to spend his days snoozing and exploring


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